Friday, June 28, 2013

LifeReef Calcium Reactor

Taking it to the next level...the demand isn't quite there yet, but I am looking forward to installing this LifeReef Calcium Reactor in the near future.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Water Tests Results

The results came back from the samples I sent to the lab at  Everything looks good except for the Silica and Copper of which I have no idea where it (Cu) is coming from.  I wasn't planning to use activated carbon but did add a bag to the overflow along with Blackwell Aquatics (Phos Extrax).  Hoping this will gobble up the Copper and reduce the Silica.  To this point nothing has been dosed into the aquarium so the results are solely based on the salt mix blend I have been using (Instant Ocean Reef Crystals).

Friday, June 21, 2013

SWF Delivery 06.21.13

Several new additions will be arriving this afternoon.  To date water changes have totaled 70% of the total system volume.  After the new specimens are added I will be increasing changes to 12% of the system volume daily for at least the next 4 days.  Due to the smaller size of my system I believe this will be required to minimize any potential stress of the increased bio-load.  PH has continued to remain at a steady range of 8.21 to 8.31 and samples were also sent out to for a full 13 parameter analysis of everything from Alkalinity to Strontium.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Friday, June 14, 2013

Aquarium Details

Aquarium: Custom LifeReef Acrylic
Size/Volume: 24 X 24 X 20 - 33 Gallons (Display), ~5 Gallons (Rear Sump)
Lighting: Ecotech Radion XR30w Pro, supported by Custom LifeReef bracket
Filtration: LifeReef SVS2-24 Protein Skimmer (MagDrive 9.5 Pump)
Circulation: Ecotech Vortech MP10w, MagDrive 5 return pump
ATO: LifeReef Float Switch, Aquamedic 150 dosing pump via 7 gallon resovoir
Parameters: 1.0255 Density, 8.20-8.29 PH, 80.5-82.0 F Temperature
Water Changes: 1 Gallon Daily Changes (Instant Ocean Reef Crystals)

SPS Addition and Six Line Wrasse

Monday, June 10, 2013

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Filling The Tank 06.02.13

The Barracuda 4-Stage Reverse Osmosis Unit is in full gear!  I think it is going to take about 12 hours from start to finish...

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Radion LED Lighting

I remember every aquarium I have ever had.  When it comes to the light I was using 15 years ago, I think of something similar to a desk lamp.  Today I found myself plugging a USB cable into my laptop from Ecotechs new Radion LED fixture.  All of a sudden there isn't a need for timers, adjustments in bulbs (spectrums), or worrying about my lamps being so intense they could bring water to a boil.  Advances in these technologies continue to amaze me, and lights that were once intended only as indicators on a dashboard are now able to provide the same resources as the sun.

Set-Up and Planning

Still waiting on a couple supplies before I start filling the tank.  Also trying to nail down a plan for the rock work...