Sunday, January 21, 2018

ULNS Problem Solving: Amino Acids

Finding myself in a position I have not been in with my reef aquariums in the past, near zero nutrients. Nitrate and phosphate levels are almost zero (.8, .01), and the corals are basically starving. Normally I would simply increase feedings and allow the fish to poop all over the corals to feed them, but the tank is very lightly stocked currently. My research says the best option aside from polluting the tank even further on purpose is to dose amino acids. I have used Two Little Fishes "AcroPower" sparingly in the past but have decided to dose it to the full recommendation. I will also be experimenting with some other products that appear to have proven results from other aquarists.

- Korallen-Zucht Amino Acids
- Sicce HyperKoral
- BRS Reef Chili Food

I will take some baseline photos for comparison today and compare week to week of the next couple of months. I will also continue to send out my monthly water samples for review to determine the effects on water quality. The most recent water test was the beginning of January, and I have not made any water changes in nearly 8 weeks.

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